Stock Market Crashed in the 1920s and It Will Happen Again 2017

Stock Marketplace Crash of October 1929

Stock Market Crash of October 1929

A solemn crowd gathers outside the Stock Exchange after the crash. 1929.
A solemn oversupply gathers outside the Stock Exchange after the crash. 1929.
Photo: Public Domain

In late October 1929 the stock market crashed, wiping out 40 percent of the paper values of common stock. When the stock market crashed in 1929, it didn't happen on a single twenty-four hours. Instead, the stock marketplace continued to plummet over the course of a few days setting in motion one of the most devastating periods in the history of the U.s..

The most pregnant events started on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929. On that day, virtually 13 one thousand thousand shares of stock were traded. It was a record number of stock trades for the U.S. J.P. Morgan and a few other bankers attempted to bond out the banking system using their own money. They were unsuccessful. Their move led to a slight increase in stock toll on Sabbatum, October 26. But over the weekend many investors lost organized religion in the stocks and decided to sell their shares.

When the markets reopened on Monday, October 28, 1929, another record number of stocks were traded and the stock market declined more than 22%. The situation worsened yet again on the infamous Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, when more than sixteen meg stocks were traded. The stock market ultimately lost $14 billion that day.

The stock marketplace crash crippled the American economy because non only had individual investors put their coin into stocks, so did businesses. When the stock marketplace crashed, businesses lost their money. Consumers also lost their coin considering many banks had invested their coin without their permission or knowledge.

Even later on the stock market collapse, however, politicians and manufacture leaders connected to issue optimistic predictions for the nation'south economy. But the Depression deepened, conviction evaporated and many lost their life savings. By 1933 the value of stock on the New York Stock Exchange was less than a 5th of what it had been at its height in 1929. Business houses airtight their doors, factories shut down and banks failed. Farm income fell some 50 percent. By 1932 approximately one out of every four Americans was unemployed.

According to historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. the most disquisitional reasons for this economic collapse can exist summarized every bit:

one) Management'due south disposition to maintain prices and inflate profits while holding downwardly wages and raw material prices meant that workers and farmers were denied the benefits of increases in their ain productivity. The consequence was the relative decline of mass purchasing ability. As goods flowed out of the expanding capital plant in ever greater quantities, there was proportionately less and less greenbacks in the hands of buyers to deport the goods off the market. The pattern of income distribution, in brusque, was incapable of long maintaining prosperity.

2) Vii years of fixed capital investment at high rates had "overbuilt" productive capacity (in terms of existing capacity to consume) and had thus saturated the economic system. The slackening of the automotive and building industries was symptomatic. The existing rate of capital formation could not be sustained without different governmental policies – policies aimed not at helping those who had money to accumulate more merely at transferring money from those who were letting it stagnate in savings to those who would spend information technology.

3) The sucking off into profits and dividends of the gains of engineering meant the tendency to use excess money for speculation, transforming the Stock Substitution from a securities market place into a gaming-house.

4) The stock market crash completed the debacle. After Black Th, what dominion was prophylactic except Sauve qui peut? And businessmen, in trying to salvage themselves, could only wreck their arrangement; in trying to avoid the worst, they rendered the worst inevitable. Past shattering confidence, the crash knocked out whatever hope of automated recovery.

five) In sum, the federal government had encouraged tax policies that contributed to over-saving, budgetary policies that were expansive when prices were rising and deflationary when prices began to fall, tariff policies that left foreign loans as the just prop for the export merchandise, and policies toward monopoly which fostered economic concentration, introduced rigidity into the markets and anaesthetized the toll system. Representing the businessmen, the federal government had ignored the dangerous imbalance betwixt farm and business organisation income, between the increase in wages and the increase in productivity. Representing the financiers, it had ignored irresponsible practices in the securities market. Representing the bankers, it had ignored the weight of private debt and the profound structural weaknesses in the banking and financial arrangement. Seeing all problems from the viewpoint of business concern, it had mistaken the class involvement for the national involvement. The result was both grade and national disaster.

Source: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. The Crisis of the Old Society, The Age of Roosevelt 1919-1933: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1957, pp. 159-160.

For further data:

"Sounds of the Crash" –  On the 70th anniversary of the swell stock market place crash of Oct 29th, 1929, Market place presented an audio collage of music resulting from that event. Peter Stenshoel's collage is announced by host, David Brancaccio.

The Crash of 1929 (1990). Documentary film from BBC2.

How to Cite this Article (APA Format): Social Welfare History Project. (2011). Stock Market Crash of Oct 1929.Social Welfare History Project. Retrieved [date accessed]from


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